Start-up Advisory & Consultancy

The past decade has seen a boom in start-ups and our team is trained to assist with strategies and advice depending upon the nature of your startup. Being a Firm profoundly invested in innovation, we are constantly eager to hear novel thoughts and be a part of new business’s development story. Our start-up law practice group draws in with new organizations both at the pre-financing and subsidizing stages and guarantees that they have their legitimate compliances all together. New businesses both profit by IT and carry unconstrained development to the business and past. Their needs though similar to established IT entities are typically at a much smaller scale and flexibility in service offerings is prerequisite. Guaranteeing consistence and sufficient safeguard on proprietary creations is essential to sustainable growth for any nascent business. It is important to understand the labor laws, environmental laws and such other commercial and economical laws which are the areas that a new entrepreneur must be aware about and our team will assist you with the same. We provide comprehensive legal due diligence and take care of your tax obligations, along with strategizing and planning the growth and expansion of your start-up.